February 24, 2009
Now on Facebook
Group information about this book has been published on Facebook.com. Facebook users can find it by searching for "cancer" or typing in the book title.
May 17, 2006
Second magazine article.
Thom Rollerson, founder of the Dream Foundation, was featured along with Terri in the June/July 2006 issue of the Santa Barbara Magazine. The article primarily tells of Rollerson and the history of the Dream Foundation. Terri was featured in 2 paragraphs and in two pictures with Rollerson. Terri was a Dream Foundation precipitant in 2004. To learn more about the Santa Barbara Magazine, click here.
April 28, 2006
First magazine article.
A 2 and 1/3 page article appears in the Dividends magazine. Dividends is a quarterly publication of Crown Financial Ministries. The article, Series of Hope: David and Terri Gray, is found on pages 4, 5 and 8. To view this magazine online, click here
April 21, 2006
First magazine book review.
Book review appears in March/April issue of MMAM magazine. It is featured in the "What's New in Books?" section on page 55. To learn more about MMAM, please visit their Web site at: http://www.mamm.com
April 19, 2006
First national radio interview.
Terri was interviewed for the national radio program, Money Matters, hosted by Howard Dayton and Steve Moore. Money Matters is one of Crown Financial Ministries' radio programs. By permission, an edited version follows. To download audio right click and save as or just click on it to play: Radio Interview (6 min. 45 sec.)
April 6, 2006
Official web site debuts.
After 4 months of secretive planning, Terri’s husband, David, along with neighbor, Greg Parks, developed this web site as a surprise for Terri. Greg, a self-employed photographer and graphics designer used his creative skills and designed this site to correlate with the colors of the book cover. David was able to obtain the pertinent information under the pretense that it was being used to develop Terri Gray’s Update Blog online.
Congratulations Terri for a work well done.
Love forever,
David |